Coca-Cola Philippines


A PSA about the life of an overseas worker and how their homecoming is an amazing gift for the family.

  • Madvertising
  • Documentary
  • OFW
  • Beverage


Our role: Script, research and concept collaboration with the agency. This follows the story of 3 Overseas Filipino Workers (OFW) who get the chance to surprise a homecoming to their families. Coca-cola asked us to document the lives of three OFWs who are ready to go home and feel the anxieties of integrating back into the Philippines. This is in joint collaboration with the Department of Labor and Employement. Overseas Workers Welfare Administration and the National Center for Integration of OFWs.


Client:Coca-Cola Philippines
Agency:Dentsu Jayme Syfu
Director:King Palisoc
Producer:Gianne Bernabe